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Min folkdans / ihtotia mahcehua


Image: Folkdräkt from Hälsingland, Sweden. Bought for me by my parents 1982. It now belongs to my daughter Eleni Larsson-Coxeter. 

Photo: Adelina Larsson, Critical Path Research residency 2019


Book bought in Färila during my last trip to see my family. DVD mailed to me by my great uncle Lars Larsson with a photo of him playing fiol (violin) at the Hälsingehambon - the annual fold musik/dance that plays along the river Ljusnan and gathers all at danspaviljongen in Järvsö. 2016

Photo: Adelina Larsson, Critical Path Research residency 2019

Farmor .jpg

Image: Farmor Svea Cecilia Larsson (Johansson) on a Moped Crescent 1950. She poses outside her home Limbers i Kallmyr, Hälsingland. My grandmother lived here from the 40ies and my father and his three siblings were born and spent their childhood here.

Photo: unknown


Image: My mother Adriana Larsson Mendoza and me in the kitchen in Nylandet - my grandparents farm in Färila, Hälsingland 1982.

Photo: Still  image from recording by my father with his Super8 camera. 

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